The Algonquin Area Public Library turned 100 years old in 2021! To close out AAPLD’s Centennial celebration, we are celebrating Library 2121 all through the month of February. Enjoy our space-themed décor and participate in some futuristic activities throughout the building and online.
While you’re enjoying all of the space-age fun, think about what the Library might look like 100 years from now! What kinds of services will we provide for the young people in our community? What kinds of things will children come to the Library to do? Will we still read paper books? What kind of technology will be available? There’s so much to wonder about!
While you’re thinking about the future, enjoy some of these great reads!
Library 2121 Picture Books for Youth
Library 2121 Nonfiction Books for Kids of All Ages
Library 2021 Chapter Books and Graphic Novels for Youth
Would you like to send a postcard to space? Pick up a postcard that will be sent into space on a Blue Origin New Shepard rocket, and then mailed back to you with a special stamp cancellation. You can write and draw your vision of the future on the postcard. Return it to the Library so we can mail them to the Blue Origin space center.