
Free Comic Book Day!

This Saturday is both Free Comic Book Day AND Star Wars Day. Of course, there will be free comic books for all ages, courtesy of Modern Age Comics in Algonquin. On top of that, we have so many amazing things planned for you! Check it out: 10:00-10:30am Super Hero Milk & Cookies Storytime 11:00-11:45am Perspective Play – No card required […]


National Library Week

We have been busy celebrating National Library Week throughout this week! The Algonquin-Lake in the Hills Firefighters and the Algonquin Police Department helped out with storytime on Wednesday and Thursday. This morning we had a local Ballerina from All That Dance in Crystal Lake lead us in ballet storytime. Everyone had a blast at each special storytime session. Many thanks […]


Congrats to Miss Alexa!

We are proud to announce that our very own Miss Alexa was featured on the Association for Library Service to Children’s blog for her accomplishments with the annual summer Drama Camp program. Take a look at her article here: https://journals.ala.org/index.php/cal/article/view/6423/8477 For those who don’t know, Drama Camp is a two-week long program offered to 4-8th graders each July. Children are […]


Mystery Community Helper Storytimes

We will be having a special Community Helper storytime session to celebrate National Library Week! Storytimes will be on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 10:30am at the Main Harnish library. We have one additional storytime scheduled at the Eastgate Branch on Friday, also at 10:30am. These will be drop-in programs and do not require any registration. Can you guess what […]


1001 Books Before Kindergarten Graduation

Our next 1001 Books Before Kindergarten graduation ceremony will be held at the main library on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 at 6:30pm. Are you close to 1001 books? We challenge you to finish by May so that you may attend the graduation! It is a real fun time and there IS cake. Parents and other family members are all invited. […]


Lock-In: Makerspace Edition

This past Friday, we had our second Locked in the Library of 2019. This time we were able to finally use the upstairs Makerspace! This space was originally intended for teens and adults but our new Technology Coordinator gave us the green light for younger patrons too. We are excited to be able to offer youth programs in this space […]


Deals & Discounts at the Museums

Did you know that your library card can get you free or discounted admission to suburban museums? Our museum pass program has various special offers for 20 suburban museums. The most popular is of course the Brookfield Zoo (admits 2 people for free), but check out the rest of the museums here. Looking for deals on Chicago museums? This is […]

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Stop Motion Animation Videos

Check out the awesome stop motion animation videos we made on Friday, February 15, 2019!  The videos have been uploaded to Youtube for ease of access purposes. No images of the children and none of their last names were published to Youtube.


Do you miss storytime?

Our 5-week storytime session ended last week and we are right in the middle of our usual 2-week break. However, on Friday, February 15th Miss Alexa will be holding a special storytime at Panera Bread in Algonquin (451 S. Randall Road) from 10:00-10:30am. Be sure to sign up here because they give out free milk and cookies to all attendees! […]


The Saga of Preschool Information Night

Our official, final re-scheduling of Preschool Information Night will be for Thursday, March 21, 2019 from 6:30-8:00pm. First it was snow, then frigid below zero temperatures, and finally freezing rain that cancelled the first three attempts at this program. Winter Tuesdays must be cursed!