Registration is now open for January Programs!
This Week’s Kits & Activities
Take and Make Weekly Kids’ Craft
Bluestem 2023 Reading Challenge
Caudill 2023 Reading Challenge
Monarch 2023 Reading Challenge
This Week’s Programs
Monday, 1/9
Music and Movement @ Eastgate, 10:15-10:45am. Ages 0-5. (FULL)
Music and Movement @Eastgate, 11-11:30am. Ages 0-5.
Tuesday, 1/10
Terrific Tales for Twos and Threes, 9:30-10am. Ages 2-3 with an adult.
Preschool Storytime, 10:30-11am. Ages 3-5 on their own.
Wednesday, 1/11
Drop-in Family Storytime, 10-10:30am. Ages 0-5 with an adult.
Life Size Candyland @Eastgate, 3-3:30pm. Ages 5-10. (FULL)
Life Size Candyland @Eastgate, 3:45-4:15pm. Ages 5-10. (FULL)
Life Size Candyland @Eastgate, 4:30-5pm. Ages 5-10. (FULL)
Family Storytime, 6-6:30pm. Ages 0-5 with an adult.
Preschool Information Night, 6:30-7:30pm.
Thursday, 1/12
Preschool Information Booths, all day
Playdough Playtime: Cookie Creations, 9:30-10am. Ages 3-5. (FULL)
Playdough Playtime: Cookie Creations, 10:30-11am. Ages 3-5. (FULL)
Storytime at Historic Village Hall, 10:30-11am. Ages 0-5 with an adult.
After School STEM Club @ Eastgate, 3-3:45pm. Grades K-5. (FULL)
After School STEM Club @ Eastgate, 4-4:45pm. Grades K-5. (FULL)
Graphic Novel Book Discussion, 7-8pm. Grades 3-5.
Pageturners Book Discussion, 7-8pm. Grades 5-8.
Friday, 1/13
Preschool Information Booths, all day
Baby Storytime, 10-10:30am. Ages 0-23 months.
Saturday, 1/14