Algonquin and Lake in the Hills, you are amazing! Over 1100 children from birth to 8th grade have joined us this year in Reading Beyond the Beaten Path! So far 50 kids have finished the program and several hundred have earned their first and second prizes. We are SO EXCITED about all of the reading we see going on in our community!
Haven’t signed up for Summer Reading yet? There’s still time–the program runs until 8-1! Children in Pre-K to 8th grade can read to earn small prizes, and when they complete the program they will receive a free t-shirt and a paperback book of their choice. Babies and toddlers will earn small prizes, and will receive a board book upon completing the program. T-shirts are not available for children under 3 years old. Sign up online or in person.
It’s going to be a long, hot week–stop in to cool off and grab some books, video games, or movies. We can’t wait to see you!
Registration is now open for June and July programs!
This Week’s Kits & Activities
This Week’s Programs
Monday, 6/20
Outdoor Music and Movement, 11-11:30am, at Eastgate. (FULL)
Slime Time, 2-3pm. Grades 6-8.
Tuesday, 6/21
Preschool Storytime, 10-10:30am. Ages 4-5 on their own (FULL)
Let’s Play Outside! 10:30-11:30am. Ages 2-5. Drop-in.
Wednesday, 6/22
Outdoor Family Storytime, 10-10:30am. Ages 0-5. (FULL)
Let’s Play Outside! 10:30-11:30am. Ages 2-5. Drop-in.
Virtual Pride Storytime (YouTube)
Thursday, 6/23
Middle School Volunteers, 6-8pm
Friday, 6/24
Outdoor Baby Storytime, 10-10:30am. Ages 0-23 months. (FULL)
Drop-in Craft, 9am-5pm. (Eastgate)
Updated Covid-19 Policy as of Monday, February 28th, 2022: Masks are recommended but not required inside of the Library.