Does your child need a little confidence boost when reading aloud? Book Buddies pairs children entering grades 1-8 with a teen volunteer who will listen to the child read, and encourage/assist them as needed. It’s a great program for struggling readers, or even those who need some practice reading out loud with expression.
Summer 2022 Book Buddies Dates are:
Mondays • 11 am–noon • June 13, 20, 27; July 11, 18, 25
Tuesdays • 2–3 pm • June 14, 21, 28; July 12, 19, 26
Your child must be able to attend at least four of the six session to be eligible for the program.
Register your child here using the Google Form. Questions about the program? Give the Youth Services desk a call at 847-458-6060 x135.
If you have a teen (grades 9-12) who is interested in volunteering to read with a younger child, they can fill out this Google Form or contact Teen Librarian Holly Eberle for more information.