Picture Books
The Princess in Black by Shannon Hale
Who says princesses don’t wear black? When trouble raises its blue monster head, Princess Magnolia ditches her flouncy dresses and becomes the Princess in Black!
Princess Grace by Mary Hoffman
Grace wants to participate in her community festival’s princess float, but first she must decide what sort of a princess she wants to be–from an African princess in kente cloth robes to a floaty pink fairy tale princess.
The Princess and the Pig by Jonathan Emmett
When a new baby princess accidentally changes places with a piglet, both of their lives are forever changed.
Vader’s Little Princess by Jeffrey Brown
Smart and funny illustrations by artist Jeffrey Brown give classic Star Wars moments a twist by bringing these iconic family relations together under one roof.
Waking Beauty by Leah Wilcox
Prince Charming tries all sorts of silly ways to wake Sleeping Beauty before he learns how he is really supposed to wake her up.
The Princess Who Had No Kingdom by Ursula Jones
Rejected by all of the other royal families she meets, it takes an encounter with a humble court jester, who declares her the queen of his heart, for the princess to discover where her kingdom really lies.
The Seven Princesses by Smiljana Coh
Once upon a time, there were seven princess sisters who did everything together, from horseback riding to jumping in royal leaf piles to throwing legendary piñata parties. But one day, they had the biggest fight in the entire history of princess fighting.
Part Time Princess by Deborah Underwood
A girl escapes her annoying little brother and the drudgery of school and home life when she travels to a magical kingdom each night and embarks on a series of adventures.
Princesses Are Not Perfect by Kate Lum
Three princesses, each with a particular skill, decide they are bored with what they do and swap jobs.
Once Upon a Cool Motorcycle Dude by Kevin O’Malley
Cooperatively writing a fairy tale for school, a girl imagines a beautiful princess whose beloved ponies are being stolen by a giant, and a boy conjures up the muscular biker who will guard the last pony in exchange for gold.
Princess Hyacinth by Florence Parry Heide
Princess Hyacinth is bored and unhappy sitting in her palace every day because, unless she is weighed down by specially-made clothes, she will float away, but her days are made brighter when kite-flying Boy stops to say hello.
The Secret Lives of Princesses by Philippe Lechermeier
Exposes the hidden lives of such lesser-known figures as Princess Molly Coddle, Princess Miss Hap, and Princess Anne Phibian, revealing where they live, what they whisper about, and what sorts of pets they own.
The Very Fairy Princess by Julie Andrews
Despite her scabby knees and dirty fingernails, Geraldine knows that she is a princess inside and shows it through her behavior at home and in school.
The Princess and the Pizza by Mary Jane Auch
An out-of-work princess applies to become the bride of Prince Drupert, but first she must pass several tests, including a cooking contest.
Princess Smartypants by Babette Cole
Not wishing to marry any of her royal suitors, Princess Smartypants devises difficult tasks at which they all fail, until the multitalented Prince Swashbuckle appears.
The Princess and the Pony by Kate Beaton
Princess Pinecone would like a real war horse for her birthday, instead of which she gets a plump, cute pony–but sometimes cuteness can be a kind of weapon, especially in a fight with dodgeballs and spitballs and hairballs and squareballs.
Chapter Books
Undercover Princess by Connie Glynn
Lottie Pumpkin is an ordinary girl who has spent her life longing for the extraordinary. Ellie Wolf is the crown princess of Maradova, who wants nothing more than a chance at an ordinary life. When fate puts Lottie and Ellie in the same dorm room at the prestigious Rosewood Hall, there’s only one solution: for the girls to swap identities and live the lives they’ve always dreamed of. But at Rosewood, a secret never stays secret for long.
The Wide Awake Princess by E.D. Baker
Annie, younger sister of the princess who would be known as Sleeping Beauty, is immune to magic and stays awake when the rest of the castle falls into an enchanted sleep, then sets out to find a way to break the spell.
Cinder Edna by Ellen Jackson
Cinderella and Cinder Edna, who live with cruel stepmothers and stepsisters, have different approaches to life; and, although each ends up with the prince of her dreams, one is a great deal happier than the other.
The Hero’s Guide to Saving Your Kingdom by Christopher Healy
Liam, Frederic, Duncan, and Gustav, all former princes who had been rejected by their princesses and cast out of their castles, encounter trolls, witches, and dragons during their quest to become heroes.
Flunked by Jen Calonita
When petty thief Gilly, who lives with five younger brothers and sisters in a run-down boot, gets caught stealing, she is sentenced to three months at Fairy Tale Reform School, where all of the teachers are former villains, including the Big Bad Wolf, the Evil Queen, and Cinderella’s Wicked Stepmother.
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
In this novel based on the story of Cinderella, Ella struggles against the childhood curse that forces her to obey any order given to her.
The Tail of Emily Windsnap by Liz Kessler
After finally convincing her mother that she should take swimming lessons, twelve-year-old Emily discovers a terrible and wonderful secret about herself that opens up a whole new world.
From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess by Meg Cabot
A middle-grade spinoff of The Princess Diaries, about the long-lost sister of Mia Thermopolis, Princess of Genovia.
The Thirteenth Princess by Diane Zahler
Zita, cast aside by her father and raised as a kitchen maid, learns when she is nearly twelve that she is a princess and that her twelve sisters love her, and so when she discovers they are victims of an evil enchantment, she desperately tries to save them.
Grounded: The Adventures of Rapunzel by Megan Morrison
Rapunzel believes she is the luckiest person in Tyme, because Witch tells her so, but when Jack climbs into her tower to steal an enchanted rose, he hints that Witch is not telling the whole truth and Rapunzel, driven by her anger and fear, descends to the ground for the first time.
The Hamster Princess: Harriet the Invincible by Ursula Vernon
Never a conventional princess, Harriet becomes an adventurer after learning she is cursed to fall into a deep sleep on her twelfth birthday, but after two years of slaying ogres, cliff-diving, and more with her riding quail, Mumfrey, things go awry at home and she must seek a prince to set things right.
Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George
Eleven-year-old Princess Celie lives with her parents, the king and queen, and her brothers and sister at Castle Glower, which adds rooms or stairways or secret passageways most every Tuesday. When the king and queen are ambushed while travelling, it is up to Celie–the castle’s favorite–with her secret knowledge of its never-ending twists and turns, to protect their home and save their kingdom.
Princess Academy by Shannon Hale
While attending a strict academy for potential princesses with the other girls from her mountain village, fourteen-year-old Miri discovers unexpected talents and connections to her homeland.
Half Upon a Time by James Riley
In the village of Giant’s Hand Jack’s grandfather has been pushing him to find a princess and get married, so when a young lady falls out of the sky wearing a shirt that says “Punk Princess, ” and she tells Jack that her grandmother, who looks suspiciously like the long-missing Snow White, has been kidnapped, Jack decides to help her.
Once Upon a Marigold by Jean Ferris
A young man with a mysterious past and a penchant for inventing things leaves the troll who raised him, meets an unhappy princess he has loved from afar, and discovers a plot against her and her father.