This Saturday is both Free Comic Book Day AND Star Wars Day. Of course, there will be free comic books for all ages, courtesy of Modern Age Comics in Algonquin. On top of that, we have so many amazing things planned for you! Check it out:
10:00-10:30am Super Hero Milk & Cookies Storytime
11:00-11:45am Perspective Play – No card required but please sign up here
12:00-1:00pm Visit from Princess Leia
1:00-2:00pm Chicago Jedi Lightsaber Training
2:30-3:30pm Escape the Trash Compactor – No card required but please sign up here
11:00-11:45am Perspective Play – No card required but please sign up here
12:00-1:00pm Visit from Princess Leia
1:00-2:00pm Chicago Jedi Lightsaber Training
2:30-3:30pm Escape the Trash Compactor – No card required but please sign up here
Over at Eastgate, we will be showing the new Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse at 2:30pm. No card needed but please sign up here.
There will be plenty of other things to do at the library too. Build your own pool noodle lightsaber! Make a light-up lightsaber necklace! Artists may compete in a Comic Book Cover Colorist Contest (say that 5 times fast). DC and Marvel fans will both be pleased with these iconic X-Men and Superman covers. Popular voting will be done with the sticker method and the winner will get a prize next week.