Hooray for Library Card Sign-Up Month! Did you know that kids can have their own library card at the Algonquin Area Public Library? That's right! Even as young as babies! Did you also know that there are special perks through the month of September if you sign-up for a library card or show us the one you already have? It's true! I mean, aside from the awesomeness of having access to TONS of books, movies, programs, and SO MUCH MORE, there are some extra special treats for new and existing card holders this month!
New cardholders will get a cool flashlight pen and an entry in a drawing for a Starbucks gift card, a Meijer gift card, or AMC movie passes!
Existing cardholders can show us your card at any desk all September for a surprise gift! You could also trade in your old card for a new Teen Titan card at the Customer Service desk!
So come on in this September to sign-up for a card or show us your card!