You may have heard about libraries 3D printing PPE for medical professionals. Our Harnish Makerbot Replicator 2 & Eastgate Makerbot Mini printers are working hard from home. Usually they print fun little pumpkins, dinosaur flexis, or Pokemon figurines but nowadays they are printing no-touch challenge items and “ear-saver” mask adapters. If you have ever wondered about the practical purposes of 3D printing, this is one of them!
This morning, a staff member from St. Alexius Medical Center picked up their new ear-savers. These will be used in the field by hospital staff to alleviate ear fatigue & pain associated with wearing masks throughout the duration of their shifts.
Many families with members in the medical profession are having to make immense sacrifices during this time. Some medical workers have to temporarily sleep in their garages, tents, hotel rooms, or RVs to avoid transmitting the virus to their families. Some medical workers have to temporarily give-up their children to grandparents to avoid transmitting the virus to them. It is rough out there and we want to help in any way that we can.
Author Donald Johnson has whipped up two books for children of medical professionals. Download the PDFs or read online here (both are free).
Amazon has a Free Kindle Edition of the self-published Where Did Mommy Go? A Book For Children of Healthcare Workers. The illustrations are done by the author’s own young child.