Ooops….We made a mistake this past newsletter cycle! We totally forgot to include this very important, brand new event: Homeschool Information Night. This will be on Thursday, March 19, 2020 from 6:30-8:00pm in the Large Meeting Room at the Main Library on Harnish Drive.
Homeschool Information Night is modeled after our annual Preschool Information Night. There will be local area homeschool co-operative groups, enrichment groups, and other related homeschool groups all exhibiting in our meeting room space. This program is for prospective homeschool families, current homeschool families, or anyone with any interest in homeschooling. Both parents and children are welcome.
Want to exhibit? There is still a little bit of space. Contact the Youth Services Reference Desk at (847)458-6060 ext. 135 for more information.