NEW TECH ALERT: Kindle Fire Kids Edition

We are proud to announce a new inside-the-library gaming option for the little ones! Ever since the library renovation, we have been without the old children’s game computers. Using a computer mouse requires a lot of hand-eye coordination that young children may or may not have developed yet. Now, we have two Kindle Fire Kids Editions available for 2-hour checkout periods inside the library. These tablets are locked in the child profile so children will not be able to access the adult profile. Parental controls are in full effect in every sense — kids will not be able to access weird websites!

How it works:
1.) Use your library card to check out a Kindle Fire from the youth services desk
2.) Do stuff while your child plays on the tablet in the youth department
3.) Return to the youth services desk after 2 hours

Would you rather check out a tablet to take home? Check out our new Playaway Launchpad collection. Each Launchpad tablet comes with pre-loaded, educational games and you can check them out for three weeks. They have been real popular ever since we rolled them out in November!